Miss Mimi’s Inspiration: Color.

We all need it. We all want it. We can’t live without it (especially when it comes to traffic lights). Imagine a world without color in it? Scary huh? Almost as scary as a world without music or sound. Now stop thinking about it, you might have nightmares.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m more and more thankful each and everyday for the colors in the world. The colors of nature, people, even the monochromatic colors of cityscapes.  Winter’s cold dreariness is not without it’s color, nor is the freshly emerging spring. As both a shop owner and an artist I can’t help but be in love with all the ideas of color, the psychology, the imagination, the combinations and contrasts. I just love it.

Here is a list of Etsy shoppes I found recently that are dedicated to color in all it’s forms. There is something for every taste.:













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